Solutions for the restaurant and food industry

Fundada en 2016
The resident market research division is the only entity in the state of Nuevo León dedicated entirely to understanding the restaurant phenomenon from statistics, econometrics and mathematics. These studies now make up the most complete information platform in the industry. As if this were not enough, they present themselves free of charge to their leaders in the most important executive chambers of the state.

Fundada en 2020
Every week, leaders of the Nuevo León food and beverage industry receive a free compendium of the most relevant news, with data and developments specific to the town. With the aim of increasing your income, our newsletter provides economic indicators and relevant studies for your decision making.

Fundada en 1998
Our custom projects division has more than 25 years of experience, formerly known as Documenta Consultores, we are dedicated to meeting the needs of creating highly sophisticated content for various industries. From editorial design to application development, from content creation and editorial architectures to physical and digital media distribution, all in one place.

Fundada en 2022
Our custom projects division has more than 25 years of experience, formerly known as Documenta Consultores, we are dedicated to meeting the needs of creating highly sophisticated content for various industries. From editorial design to application development, from content creation and editorial architectures to physical and digital media distribution, all in one place.
Productos al consumidor
Soluciones para la industria

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No part of this website may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in wri- ting from Residente; except for reviewers who may quote brief passages, only from the written pages, not from the graphic work.